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Reasons to Use a Body Mass Index Chart

There are quite a few times in life where a person needs to assess their personal health. Quite a few factors go into personal health and whether or not it is where it should be. One of the biggest contributors to health is body weight. Health professionals have found scientific evidence that weight can have an impact on a person's health and if they may develop medical issues that are profound. For example, being overweight may make it more likely that a person develops diabetes, high cholesterol, and high blood pressure.


One of the first indicators of high body weight and its potential to cause medical issues is having an overweight BMI. BMI is the common medical term used for body mass index. The body mass index is what medical establishments use to determine whether or not a person is at a healthy weight. The factors will include things like age and height. The body mass index will have a range that represents a healthy body weight and anything over that can be overweight or obese. There are also levels below healthy that would mean a person is underweight. Being underweight also comes with its own set of health problems that may include poor nutrition, lack of essential vitamins, and a potential to develop osteoporosis. You can visit for more details. 


A lot of people could benefit from knowing their BMI so that they can take action. Doctors and health insurance companies also use a body mass index chart for their own diagnostics. Doctors will use the chart to figure out if a patient is healthy and then address it if they are not presently at a good weight. Health insurance companies often use it to determine rates when calculating premiums for customers. People with a higher BMI often pay higher rates than those that do not.


Using a body mass index chart to figure out where you are on the scale can be a great tool for health. It can help you determine if you need to lose weight, stay the same, or gain weight. The vast majority of people fall on the overweight scale on the body mass index chart. It would be prudent to start looking at exercise and diet plans that would be ideal for you so that you can begin a journey to reaching a healthy or normal body mass index. A doctor can help in determining what type of diet and exercise plan would be ideal based on your health profile. Get started at

Don't know what Body Mass Index is? Head over to to learn more. 

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